Worth Revisiting - Do You Dare Call Him Friend?

Thank you Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb  and Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You for  hosting Catholic bloggers at Worth Revisiting. We appreciate sharing our work with you and your readers each week. Stop by for a visit now.

May you find something of value in what follows:

Eucharistic Reflection - Do You Dare Call Him Friend?

(Originally published May 29, 2018)

“…Friendship is based on union, on a certain equality, two things that are found with God only in the Eucharist. Who, I ask you, would dare call himself the friend of God and believe himself worthy of His particular affection? A servant would insult his master in presuming to treat him as a friend; he must wait until his master grants him the right by first calling him by that name.

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
But when God Himself has come under our roof; when He has come to share with us His life, His possessions, and His merits; when He has thus made the first advances, we no longer presume, but with reason call Him our Friend. So, after the Last Supper, our Lord tells His Apostles, ‘I will not now call you servants. I call you friends. You are my friends, because all things whatsoever I have received of my Father I have given to you; you are my friends, because to you I have confided the secret of my majesty.’…

Will anyone be afraid now to love our Lord with the tenderest affection? It is well to tremble before Communion, thinking of what you are and of Him you are about to receive; you need His mercy then. But afterward, rejoice! There is no longer room for fear; even humility must make way for gladness. See how joyous Zacchaeus is when our Lord accepts his hospitality! But see, too, how his devotion is fired by this kind reception; he is ready to make every sacrifice and to atone over and over for all his sins.

The more you receive Communion, the more will your love be enkindled, your heart enlarged; your affection will become more ardent and tender as the intensity of this divine fire increases. Jesus bestows upon us the grace of His love. He comes Himself to kindle this flame of love in our hearts. He feeds it by His frequent visits until it becomes a consuming fire. This is in truth the ‘live coal which sets us on fire.’ And if we so will, this fire will never go out, for it is fed not by us but by Jesus Christ Himself, who gives to it His force and action. Do not extinguish it by willful sin, and it will burn on forever.

Come often, every day if necessary, to this divine Furnace to increase the tiny flame in your hearts! Do you think your fire will continue to burn if you do not feed it?”

(From How To Get More Out of Holy Communion by St. Peter Julian Eymard)

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a great Homily that our then Master of our Order, fr Timothy Radcliffe, OP gave in October, 2000 in Manila, Philippines to the gathered Dominican Family from 58 different Countries where Dominicans are present. It was the First International International Gathering of the Dominican Family, and as usual he spoke so well that he well and truly 'hooked' me.


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