Monday Musings - This Will Not Cost Our Church One Penny!
So very few who enter our Catholic churches act as if they really believe they are in the Presence of Jesus Christ. Their behavior in these Sacred spaces is often no different than the manner in which they act at social and athletic venues.
It is heartbreaking to see such extensive disrespect to our loving and imprisoned Lord. And it is only getting worse. If you have been to a wake recently that is held in Church prior to the funeral Mass, you know what I mean.
We must restore a sense of the Sacred within the walls of our Churches.
It will not cost our Church one penny to return to what has always been the expected norm of behavior - reverent silence from the minute we enter our Churches until the time we exit the building.
Only two things are required to restore this vital sense of the Sacred. Our priests must stand before their flocks (as many times as necessary) and lovingly explain to them how they must conform their behavior to the reality of where they are and in whose Presence they are privileged to be, and we, the sheep, must choose individually to make sure our conduct conforms to that Truth.
Only two things are required to restore this vital sense of the Sacred. Our priests must stand before their flocks (as many times as necessary) and lovingly explain to them how they must conform their behavior to the reality of where they are and in whose Presence they are privileged to be, and we, the sheep, must choose individually to make sure our conduct conforms to that Truth.
God deserves nothing less.