Worth Revisiting - End The Silence!

Thank you, Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You  and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for  hosting Catholic bloggers at Worth Revisiting.


It is a privilege for us to share our work with you and your readers each week. Stop by for a visit now


Here is my contribution: 


Monday Musings - End the Silence!

(Originally posted October 31, 2016)

Sin is serious business. It has eternal consequences. Look what sin did to our Lord!
We Catholics must speak up in one clear and unambiguous voice against the evil that is rampant in our world. 
We must have the courage to call sin, sin and to counsel the sinner. 
We must do everything possible to save souls, ours and the souls of those we know and love. 
We must make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world.

We must be willing to preach the Truth and to suffer the consequences for doing so.

We must open our mouths and share God's Love and Truth.

We must heed the command of St. Catherine of Siena. We must be fully engaged in the battle to save souls. 

And we must never forget that silence in the face of sin is a ticket to hell.


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