Eucharistic Reflection - Allow Yourself To be Fed by Your God

"St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an exceptional religious who no one would dare regard as a traditionalist, fundamentalist or extremist, whose faith, holiness and total gift of self to God and the poor are known to all, had a respect and absolute worship of the Divine Body of Jesus Christ. Certainly, she daily touched the 'flesh' of Christ in the deteriorated and suffering bodies of the poorest of the poor. 

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
And yet, filled with wonder and respectful veneration, Mother Teresa refrained from touching the transubstantiated Body of Christ. Instead, she adored Him and contemplated Him silently, she remained at length on her knees and prostrated herself before Jesus in the Eucharist. Moreover, she received Holy Communion in her mouth, like a little child who has humbly allowed herself to be fed by her God."

Cardinal Robert Sarah