Pondering Tidbits of Truth - January 25, 2018

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

St. Pius X

"...men are only instruments which God makes use of for the salvation of souls We have to make sure those instruments are in a good state of repair so that God can use them."

(From Encyclical - Haerent animo)

St. Josemaria Escriva

"Every Christian has to share in the task of Christian formation. He has to feel the urgency of evangelizing...The task of a Christian is to drown evil in an abundance of good. It is not a question of negative campaigns, or of being 'anti' anything. On the contrary, we should live positively, full of optimism, with youthfulness, joy and peace. We should be understanding with everybody, with the followers of Christ and with those who abandon Him, or with those who have never known Him at all. Understanding doe not mean holding back, or remaining indifferent, but being active."

(From Furrow)

St. Catherine of Siena

[Jesus speaking]: "My Will only wants your good, and all that I give or allow, I allow or give so that you may achieve your end, for which I created you."

(From The Dialogue)

DID YOU KNOW that Pondering Tidbits of Truth, Volume 4 is now available on Amazon


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