Eucharistic Reflection - Jesus Is Here With Us Today

Perpetual Adoration is the most beautiful thing you could ever think of doing. People are hungry for God. Imagine for a moment that we are living in Jesus’ time and He has invited us to visit with Him and spend some quiet time getting to know Him better. Being aware who He was, we would be humbled and honored by such an invitation.

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The good news is that Jesus is here with us TODAY - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - in the Holy Eucharist. Although Jesus comes to us under the appearance of bread and wine, His Presence is as real to us NOW as He was flesh-and-blood-real to His disciples when he walked this earth. He can perform miracles, heal us, teach us, and love us. We can talk to Him and He can speak to us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit who lives in us through our baptism and confirmation.

(Attributed to St. Teresa of Calcutta)