Worth Revisiting - Cold As Death

We thank Allison Gingras at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth Riordan at Theology Is A Verb for hosting Catholic bloggers at Revisiting Wednesday . It is a privilege for us to share our work with them and their followers . Stop by for a visit now . [ 40 Days For Life's Fall campaign launches tomorrow. This is an event worthy of, and in need of, your participation. I thought I would share a reflection I wrote nearly four years ago.] Cold As Death (Originally published on February 21, 2013 ) Yesterday was abortion day at our local Planned Parenthood center. Three of us were outside praying for the staff, the parents and the unsuspecting children encased in their mothers’ wombs. It was bitterly cold. In fact, this is the first time over the past four years when I ever felt cold enough to wear a hooded sweatshirt and gloves. But it was not just the physical cold and wind that was bot...