Pondering Tidbits of Truth - July 26, 2017

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Catherine Doherty, Servant of God

"The acceptance of this truth [all that I am, all that I have is from God] will make you truly free, free to love and serve...It will also make you free to love and serve God more passionately, more constantly, more totally. You will then be on the threshold of this many-faceted, infinitely beautiful virtue and attitude of heart, state of life. That is poverty!

But still you will only have begun. I repeat, you will be only standing on the threshold of poverty's dwelling.

The next step is having a heart wide open to grace!

Now you will enter an unknown terrain through which God Himself will deign to lead you. All you have to do is to be open to grace."

(From Dearly Beloved, Volume 1) 

 Father Charles Arminjon

"Remove the fear of eternal punishment from mankind, and the world will be filled with crime...Hell will simply happen sooner; instead of being postponed until the future life, it will be inaugurated in the midst of humanity, in the present life." 
(From The End of the Present World)

 St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe

"[The apostolate] is a collaboration (if such is the correct word) with God Himself in the work of perfection, of sanctification…In view of this work, therefore, the Savior Himself expressly commanded His  apostles: ‘Remain in Me and I in you’ (Jn. 15:4-6)…The fruitfulness of the work, then, does not depend on ability, on energy, on money, although these, too, are gifts of God useful in the Catholic apostolate, but solely and exclusively depends on the degree of one’s union with God. Should this decrease, of if such be weakened, the other means will avail nothing…eloquent sermons and works divorced from prayer bear no fruit."

(From For the Life of the World – St Maximilian and the Eucharist by Jerzy Domanski, O.F.M. Conv.)

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The Fatima Chaplet of Adoration and Reparation