Worth Revisiting - Help Me Understand

Thank you Allison Gingras (Reconciled To You) and Elizabeth Riordan ( Theology Is A Verb ) for hosting Worth Revisiting . Be sure to stop there every Wednesday . You will enjoy your visits. Here is my contribution: Help Me Understand! Should Not the Salvation of Souls Be Our Primary Concern? [Originally published July 3, 2012 - We may have dodged a bullet temporarily. But sadly, nothing much has changed since I first posted this.] I understand that in a democratic society, the Catholic Church and its members must try to shape social and political policies and to have their voices heard on the pressing moral issues of the day. There is no doubt that an increasing number of recent actions (beyond the HHS contraception and sterilzation mandates) taken by the Obama administration pose real and imminent threats to our God given and constitutionally recognized fundamental right - freedom of religion. Freedom loving people of all religious persuasions and those of ...