Pondering Tidbits of Truth - December 29, 2016

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P.

"God prepares whomsoever He desires for a specific mission. He also grants the particular person the necessary graces to carry out that task they are entrusted with." 

(From Summa Theologiae, 2, q27, a4)

St. John Paul II

"Those confessionals scattered about the world where men declare their sins don't speak of the severity of God. Rather do they speak of His mercy. And all those who approach the confessional, sometimes after many years weighed down with mortal sins, in the moment of getting rid of this intolerable burden, find at last a longed-for relief. They find joy and tranquility of conscience which, outside Confession, they will never be able to find anywhere."

(From March 16, 1980 Homily)

Marie Dominique Philippe, O.P.

"It is difficult for God to manifest His Will to us without our wholehearted desire to serve Him in all things. However, the Lord acts in our life only to the extent that we allow Him to do so. He always respects our human freedom and never imposes Himself." 

(From Mystery of Mary)