Eucharistic Reflection - What Does He Seek?

“If only we could comprehend the nearness of God, the incomparable grace of having Jesus for our companion in exile. He is so near that when He blesses us, the shadow of His Divine hand hovers over us.

What does He seek? A relief from His sorrows and for that He begs the love of our hearts. Let Him rest then, let Him pour the sorrows of His soul into ours, we who want Him with a burning love of reparation
From the depths of the tabernacle, His lips still wet with the gall of our ingratitude, He calls by name those who have come during this Holy Hour to weep over all the people who disregard His mercies. How great is the sorrow that torments Him! But greater still, infinitely stronger, is the love which tortures Him….

Jesus: For a long time I have waited for you well beloved soul, to tell you of the love that consumes Me. I bless you because you have at last taken pity on your God in His loneliness. Tell me that My Heart has conquered yours. Assure Me that now you really love Me. You who are but dust and nothingness, have often left Me to seek pleasure and enjoyment, while I your God, to save you, left the angels, left heaven, and after thirty-three years of suffering died as a criminal on a cross. Despite that, you broke the bonds that united you to Me and freed yourself from My arms which upheld you, and you preferred the deadly attractions of sin to Me. Do you remember?

How could you love such a sad liberty, especially since I have forged chains to bind Me to your ungrateful heart. Where is your gratitude? And yet I forgive you, but from now on be Mine forever, entirely Mine in a spirit of gratitude and reparation.”

(From Twenty Holy Hours by Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevery, SS.CC.)


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