Eucharistic Reflection - A Prayer As I Leave Your Presence Lord

As this visit of adoration closes, O Jesus, I renew my faith and trust in You. I am refreshed after these moments with You, and I count myself among a privileged number, even as Your disciples were, who shared Your actual presence.

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Realizing that my visit to You is of little avail unless I try to live a better life and set a better example, I am resolved to go forth again to my duties and my concerns with a renewed spirit of perseverance and good will. In my daily life I will try to love and serve God well, and love my neighbor also, for these two things go together. I will try to be a true disciple, indeed. Help me, 0 Jesus, in this my resolution.

Bless me, dear Lord, before I go. And bless not me alone, 0 Lord, but all as well who are here present, and all who could not come, especially the sick and the dying. Bless our homes and all the children there. Bless all our life and the hour of our death.

(John J. Cardinal Carberry from Reflections and Prayers for Visits with our Eucharistic Lord)