Pondering Tidbits of Truth - October 20, 2016
Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets
of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.
Venerable Louis of Granada, O.P.
"Among the works comprising charity to our neighbor the following are the most important: advice, counsel, succor, forbearance, pardon, edification. These are so strongly linked with charity that the practice of them indicates the progress we have made in the practice of this greatest of virtues."
(From The Sinner's Guide)
"What better words may we carry in our heart, pronounce with our mouth, write with a pen, than the words, 'Thanks be to God'? There is no phrase that may be said so readily, that can be heard with greater joy, felt with more emotion or produced with greater effect."
(From Letter 72)
St. John Paul II
"The rich man was condemned because he did not pay attention to the other man. Because he failed to take notice of Lazarus, the person who sat at his door and who longed to eat the scraps from his table."
(From Homily at Yankee Stadium, October 2, 1979)