Pondering Tidbits of Truth - September 22, 2016

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Father Francis Fernandez

"Apostolic zeal, the desire to draw many people to Our Lord, does not require us to do anything odd or peculiar, and much to neglect our family, social or professional duties, It is precisely in those situations – in our family, at work, with our friends, in everyday human relationships – that we find scope for an apostolic activity which may often be silent, but which is always efficacious."

(In Conversation With God, Volume 4:75.2)

 St. Catherine of Siena

"We must, then, very conscientiously free our heart and affection from this tyrant, the world, and set it on God, completely free and sincere, letting nothing come between ourselves and him. We must not be two-faced or love falsely, since He is our dear God, and He keeps His eyes on us, seeing our hidden and inmost heart."


Saint Bede

“The treasure of a soul is the same as the root of a tree. A person with a treasure of patience and charity in his soul produces beautiful fruits: he loves his neighbor, and possesses other qualities that Jesus recommends; he loves his enemies, does good to those who hate him, blesses those who curse him and prays for the one who slanders him. But the man who has a source of evil in his soul does the exact opposite; he hates his friends, speaks badly of the one who loves him, and does all the other things condemned by the Lord.”

(From Commentary on St. Luke’s Gospel)