Worth Revisiting - Homilies - When Were You Last Challenged To Change the Way You Live?

Thank you Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan for your weekly invitation to re-post our favorite articles on Worth Revisiting. Go here now (and every Wednesday) and let an interesting group of Catholic bloggers nourish you in your Faith journey. During the rest of each week. visit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb . You will be pleased with what they share. Here are my thoughts this week: Homilies - When Were You Last Challenged To Change the Way You Live? (Originally posted on February 16, 2015) The best homilies are those which challenge us to look objectively at our relationship with God and how we live out our faith. We need to be reminded of the great chasm that often exists between what we profess to believe and how we actually live our lives. We must be encouraged to seek God's grace and forgiveness if we are ever to bridge that gap. How can that be done? Father Suarez has some unambiguous s...