Pondering Tidbits of Truth - July 27, 2016

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

St. John of the Cross

"All you who are tormented and afflicted, laboring beneath the burden of anxiety and desire, cast it aside by coming unto Me, and I will refresh you; and your souls shall find that rest of which your desires rob you."

(From The Ascent of Mount Carmel)

St. Josemaria Escriva

“…we shall not call injustice, justice; we shall not say that an offense against God is not an offense against God, or that evil is good. When confronted by evil we shall not teply with another evil, but rather with sound doctrine and good actions: drowning evil in an abundance of good (cf Rom 12:21). That’s how Christ will reign in our souls and in the souls of the people around us.”

(From Christ Is Passing Us By)

St. Francis de Sales

"Bees live and feed on bitter food when making their honey; in the same way, we can never practice gentleness and patience or produce honey from such excellent virtues more surely than when eating the bread of bitterness and living n the midst of afflictions."

(From Introduction to the Devout Life)