"Revisiting Wednesday" - Good Friday - Gazing Upon The Face of Christ
Once again we thank Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan for inviting Catholic bloggers to re-post their favorite articles
on "Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays.
Good Friday - Gazing Upon The Face of Christ
We owe this gifted artist our gratitude and unending prayerful support.
Do yourself a favor- go there now (and every
Wednesday) and gouge yourself on a feast of spiritual treasures.
Be sure to visit Allison at Reconciled To You and
Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb during the rest of the week.
You will find much spiritual nourishment and encouragement there.
Good Friday - Gazing Upon The Face of Christ
is only with much perseverance and undeserved grace that our
meditation and contemplation will bear fruit - fruit which we should
share with those around us. On those occasions when we are so blessed,
most of us will resort to sharing our experience with written or spoken
rare few who ponder persistently the mysteries of our Faith and the
life of our Savior Jesus Christ, and who have been blessed with artistic
gifts, will receive a greater grace - the ability to share the fruits
of their meditation and contemplation through the creation of
penetrating, piercing, and powerful images of He Whom they have
time this Good Friday (and from time to time thereafter) to gaze upon
and ponder the drawing posted below. Let your eyes, heart, mind and soul
take in every painstakingly created feature of this compelling
representation of our Lord.
the depth of God's love for you as He suffered such a savage, barbaric
and painful death in order that we might all have an opportunity of
spending eternity in His loving arms. Are you satisfied with how you
have loved Him in return?
No doubt the creator of this sketch - a man who spent time in
prison - meditated and contemplated much before he put lead pencil to a
blank sheet of copy paper. This visual gift - the fruit of this soul's
contemplation - has remained in my home office for many years. Others deserve to see it. May God use it to touch and stir the
hearts and souls of all who visit here as He had so obviously penetrated
that of the artist.
the image's creator be comforted and encouraged this day knowing that
God will use the fruit of his contemplation to draw others to Him.
We owe this gifted artist our gratitude and unending prayerful support.
(Image © Michael Seagriff)