Eucharistic Reflection - He Has Entrusted Their Salvation To You!

When you next make a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament imagine hearing these words flowing from Jesus' lips to your heart and soul:

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Since you came to console Me, do not end this Holy Hour without recalling here at My feet those favorites of My merciful Heart, the fallen, the prodigals, those who have wandered from the fold. Numberless they pass before this Host which veils Me from your eyes. 

How they march, the haughty who insult My annihilation, the blasphemers who cover Me with opprobrium, the apostates and the impious, who come up to Me with the gall of sarcasm on their lips. How great the legion of ingrates, of those who make Me suffer by their icy indifference. Who can count them? I see them from My Tabernacle, among them, too, are My one-time friends, traitors and disloyal ones. And there are also children! Listen to Me, mothers. Yes, there are children who betray the Heart of Jesus, their great friend.

My soul is sorrowful unto death at the loss of so many poor sinners. At this very hour, many are in their agony. Therefore you, My apostles, by a fervent prayer shut the door of Hell, and open the Heaven of My Heart which awaits them with Its pardon and Its infinite mercies. Save them! They are souls that belong to Me. I entrust their salvation to you!

(From 20 Holy Hours by Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.)