Eucharistic Reflection - Of Mute and Silent Tabernacles and Lifeless Hosts
“We ministers of the Lord, for whom the Tabernacle
has become mute and silent, the stone of consecration cold, the Host a
venerable, but lifeless, memento: have been unable to turn souls from their
evil How could we ever draw them out of the mire or forbidden pleasures?
And yet we have talked to them about the joys of
religion and of good conscience. But because we have not known how to slake our
own thirst at the living waters of the Lamb, we have mumbled and stuttered in
our attempts to portray those ineffable joys, the very desire of which would have
shattered the chains of the triple concupiscence much more effectively than all
our thundering tirades about hell…Our lips have been unable to speak the
language of the Heart of Him Who loves men, because our converse with Him has
been as infrequent as it has been cold.
Let us not try to shift all the blame onto the profoundly
demoralized state of society. After all, we have only to look, for example, at
the effect on completely de-Christianized parishes of the presence of sensible,
active, devoted, capable priests, but priests who were, above all, lovers of
the Eucharist.”
(From The Soul
of The Apostolate by Jean Baptiste Chautard, OCSO)