Eucharistic Reflection - It's Time To Repair The Damage We Have Done

“As the sanctity and merit of our actions depends on

the motive and spirit with which they are actuated,
the practice of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, however holy, would be of little use, unless it
were animated with the spirit and the motive which
                   gives it all its value.

This motive, as we have said, is to repair, as far as
possible, by our love, our adoration, and by every
kind of homage the indignities and outrages which
Jesus Christ has endured, and still daily endures, in
the most Blessed Sacrament. It is in this spirit, and
in these sentiments, the devotion should be practiced.”

                                    (From Devotion to the Sacred Heart by Father John Croiset, SJ.)