Eucharistic Reflection - Enormous Ingratitude
“And Jesus answering,
said: ‘Were not ten [lepers] made
clean? And where are the
nine ?Is there is no one found
In the world, we cannot
endure ingratitude. It is only
when God is in question
that we do not concern
ourselves about being
This wonderful cure, this
miracle, had been extended
to ten persons, and of them
all, one only was found
who thanked his Benefactor.
Of all the benefits we have
received from Jesus Christ,
we cannot doubt that the
Blessed Eucharist is one of
the greatest: and even the
greater part of the blessings
we daily receive, are derived
from the same source.
But who thinks of often
thanking Jesus Christ for this
great benefit ? Who
returns thanks to this loving Savior,
Who, in abolishing all
the other sacrifices, has left us a
Victim that cannot but be
pleasing to God, an offering
equal to all the other benefits
we have received from Him,
and to those that we may
ask of Him ; a Host capable of
cancelling all the sins
of men ; a Host which is truly a sovereign
remedy for all kinds of
evil ; a tree of life that has power
to communicate to us, not
only health, but even immortality?
So sinful a
forgetfulness, such enormous ingratitude, touched
the Heart of a Man-God,
and shall it not move mine, even
when I myself am of the
number of these ungrateful wretches ?"
(From Devotion to the Sacred Heart by Father
John Croiset, S.J.)