Treasuring Our Priests and The Priesthood

What better day than a Sunday to acknowledge this fundamental Truth: Next to the Eucharist, the greatest gift God has left us is His priests. 

Were there no priests, there would be no Eucharist.

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
How many of us treat our priests as the treasures they are? Do we pray for them and encourage them to live courageously and fully their priestly vocation?

What are we waiting for?

May the following observation of Father Suarez spur us to do both and also serve to inspire the priests who serve us:

“He is a priest always and at every moment, whether he is performing the highest and most sublime office or the most vulgar and humble action of his ordinary life. Just as a Christian cannot leave aside the fact that he is -a new man, that Baptism has given him a particular character, and act as if he were just a man purely and simply, neither can the priest leave aside his priestly character and behave as if he were not a priest. Whatever he does, whatever attitude he adopts, whether he likes it or not, it will always be the action or the attitude of a priest, because he is a priest always and at all times down to the very depths of his being, whatever he may do or whatever he may think.”

(About Being a Priest by Father Federico Suárez)