It's "Worth Revisiting Wednesday" - Praying With Your Eyes

We thank Allison Gingras and Elizabeth Riordan for inviting Catholic bloggers re-post their favorite articles on “It’s Worth Revisiting” Wednesdays. Do yourself a favor and  go there now (and every Wednesday) and let these authors bless and challenge you in your Faith journey. 
During the rest of each week. visit Allison at Reconciled To You and Elizabeth at Theology Is A Verb. You will enjoy your visits.

Here is my contribution:

Praying with Your Eyes

Sometimes as you drive around, you simply have to get out of your car and allow the beauty of God's creation stir your imagination and capture your heart  On those occasions, let your eyes prayerfully process the images God has placed before you. Be still! Gaze upon the work of His Hands! Be filled with awe, amazement and gratitude!



As magnficent as these images may be, they are nothing in comparison to He Who awaits your visit:

Our Abandoned, Ignored and Forgotten Lord