Virtual Blog Tour – Eve’s Apple by Marie Therese Kceif

If you want to read about the struggles of a twice-divorced former U.S. Army pilot and mother who tried going through a good portion of her younger life without having a personal relationship with God (sound familiar?) then this is the book for you.

Don’t believe God can forgive a lifetime of sin and self-centeredness, including premarital sex, cohabitation, adultery and divorce? Then you really do not know Him. Think it is too late to change, to be forgiven, to start anew? Then read this book – an inspiring story of personal conversion.

I knew neither the author nor the book before I was invited to participate in this Virtual Blog Tour. I am grateful I accepted the invitation.

Not only have I come to know her through the words she shared, but now have a resource I can recommend to two ever expanding groups - those tempted to make similarly poor choices and those who have lived Marie’s difficult life and mistakenly feel it is too late to start anew.

This is what Joseph A. Marsigla, COL, MS, Commander, US Army, had to say about Eve’s Apple:

"Some words that come to mind are warm, introspective, wonderment. I could go on and on. The talent God has given her has allowed me to look at my life, to look at things I have not thought of in some time. I see many parallels and similar struggles. This book is one of those rare jewels that can change lives."

Copies of Marie’s book are available on Amazon by clicking here or at the Publisher’s Website by going here.

Want to win a #Free E-Book of Eve’s Apple?  Then be the first one to leave a comment here and you will be the winner.

There is also a Goodreads Giveaway – the drawing will occur on April 26. Go to this link to enter.

I am the third stop on this tour. If you missed the first two [Karee Santos (Can We Cana) and Ellen @ PlotLine and Sinker] do yourself a favor, go back and take a look.

And please don’t miss the other stops on this Virtual Book Tour:

April 15 – AlexandrinaBrant
April 16 – Karee Santos (Can We Cana) Review
April 17 – Jean Heimann (Catholic Fire)
April 18 – A.K. Frailey
April 19 – Melanie Juneau (The Joy of Nine)
April 20 – Nancy Ward (
April 21 – Dana Doyle (Catholic Working Mom)
April 22 – Ellen @ Plot Line and Sinker (Interview)