Now Is Not The Time To Remain Silent

(Image Source: Star of the Sea Church)

Help me understand this!

For far too many years now, there have been Bishops, priests, religious and laity (including prominent politicians claiming to be Catholic), who have engaged in public dissent from the Church’s teachings with little or no public correction from the Shepherds charged with the salvation of their souls.  Such public dissent – so destructive to the spiritual well-being of other Catholics - is more often than not met with public silence.

Yet two simple priests (Fathers Joseph Illo and Patrick Driscoll), who are trying to establish an Oratory of St. Philip Neri in a San Francisco parish in hopes of  reigniting the flames of knowledge, love and fidelity for the Catholic Faith, are met with public ridicule and criticism, some of which come from their brother priests.

At the same time, a public effort is made to have the Holy Father remove Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, their Archbishop, simply because he insists on fulfilling his pastoral duties – to teach the Truth and remind Catholics of their obligation to conform their personal and professional lives to that Truth.

None of this makes sense unless one realizes this is the work of the Evil One “who roams throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls”.

We can not remain silent. We must support these priests and their Archbishop – publicly and unambiguously.

This is, of course a spiritual battle. Our primary response then must be one of prayer, fasting and reparation - not only for these two priests and their Archbishop but for a change in heart for all those opposing these good and faithful Shepherds.

What can you do?

If you live in the San Francisco area, show your support by physically attending and participating at the 4:30 P.M. Vigil Mass at Star of the Sea Church, this Saturday, April 25, 2015.

If you are unable to attend that Mass because of other commitments or because you live hundreds or thousands of miles away, please consider doing these three things:

 (1) This Saturday, April 25, 2015, at 4:30 PM (PST) stop wherever you may be and offer a silent prayer for Archbishop Cordileone, Fathers Illo and Driscoll, and ask our loving Lord to strengthen them and to heal the division among Catholics in the San Francisco Archdiocese;

(2) Participate in the spiritual bouquet being offered for these priests by going to here; and

(3) Sign this petition to demonstrate your support for Archbishop Cordileone.

Now is not the time to remain silent.   

Now is the time to stand up, defend and support these good and faithful Shepherds.

Now is the time to pray for healing and unity.