Eucharistic Reflection - Restoring Order to the Church
the great event of the Second Vatican Council was a breath of the
Spirit that was blown into the world through the windows of the Church,
then we need to recognize that a lot of worldliness has also blown in
with the Spirit, creating a current and blowing the leaves all over.
We’ve seen everything and yet nothing has been lost, but order must be
patiently restored.
Order is restored above all by strongly affirming the primacy of the Risen Christ, present in the Eucharist.
There is a great peaceful battle to be waged which is that of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, so that the entire world can become part of a network of prayer, united to the Holy Rosary, in which we reflect on the salvific mysteries of Christ with Mary. This will generate and develop a movement of reparation and penetration."
(Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, )