Pondering Tidbits of Truth - February 26, 2015

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

St. Teresa of Avila

“Oh, what a hard thing I am asking of you, my true God: that you should love one who does not love you;  that you should open the door to one who does not knock; that you should give health to one who prefers to be sick and chooses rather to walk in her infirmity! You say, my Lord, that you .have come to seek out sinners. These, my Lord are the true sinners. Do not look on our blindness, oh my God, but at the streams of blood that your Son shed for us. May your mercy shine on such grave wickedness; remember, Lord, that we were made by your hands.”

(From Exclamations of the Soul to God)

Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

“No worldly mind would ever have suspected that He Who could make the sun warm the earth would one day have need of an ox and an ass to warm Him with their breath; that He Who, in the language of Scriptures, could stop the turning about of the Arcturus, would be subject to an imperial edict of a census; that He Who clothed the fields with grass would Himself be naked; that He from Whose finger tips tumbled planets and worlds would one day have tiny hands that were not long enough to touch the huge heads of the cattle; that feet which trod the ever­lasting hills would one day be too weak to walk; that the Eternal Word would be dumb; that Omnipotence would be wrapped in swaddling clothes; that Salvation would lie in a manger; that the mirth of Heaven would weep; that the bird that built the nest would be hatched therein - no one would ever have suspected that God coming to this earth would ever be so helpless. But that is just precisely why they          are apt to miss. Him - Divinity is always where we least expect to find it.”

(From The Life of Christ)

Blessed Dina Belanger

 "If souls understood what a treasure they possessed in the divine Eucharist, it would be necessary to protect tabernacles with impregnable walls; for, in the delirium of a holy and devouring hunger, they would go themselves to be nourished by the Manna of the Seraphim. Churches, at night as during the day, would overflow with adorers consumed by love for the noble pris­oner.”

(From Autobiography of Blessed Dina Belanger)