Eucharistic Reflection - Ah! If We Had The Eyes of Angels
if we had the eyes of angels with which to see Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is here present on this altar, and who is looking at us, how we
should love Him!
We should never more wish to part from Him. We should wish to remain always at His feet; it would be a foretaste of Heaven: all else would become insipid to us.
But see, it is faith we want. We are poor blind people; we have a mist before our eyes. Faith alone can dispel this mist.
Presently, my children, when I shall hold Our Lord in my hands, when the good God blesses you, ask Him then to open the eyes of your heart; say to Him like the blind man of Jericho, 'O Lord, make me to see!' If you say to Him sincerely, 'Make me to see!' you will certainly obtain what you desire, because He wishes nothing but your happiness. He has His hands full of graces, seeking to whom to distribute them; Alas! and no one will have them.
. . . Oh, indifference! Oh, ingratitude! My children, we are most unhappy that we do not understand these things! We shall understand them well one day; but it will then be too late!"
We should never more wish to part from Him. We should wish to remain always at His feet; it would be a foretaste of Heaven: all else would become insipid to us.
But see, it is faith we want. We are poor blind people; we have a mist before our eyes. Faith alone can dispel this mist.
Presently, my children, when I shall hold Our Lord in my hands, when the good God blesses you, ask Him then to open the eyes of your heart; say to Him like the blind man of Jericho, 'O Lord, make me to see!' If you say to Him sincerely, 'Make me to see!' you will certainly obtain what you desire, because He wishes nothing but your happiness. He has His hands full of graces, seeking to whom to distribute them; Alas! and no one will have them.
. . . Oh, indifference! Oh, ingratitude! My children, we are most unhappy that we do not understand these things! We shall understand them well one day; but it will then be too late!"
(St. John Marie Vianney)