Monday Musings - To Scold or Not To Scold
Not to beat a dead horse but I believe this is worth repeating: Love and Justice require us to share God's Truth unambiguously but lovingly with our fallen-away or non-practicing Catholic family and friends.
Sharing His Truth is always in season but there is no more appropriate time to do so than during Christmas and Easter when our Churches are filled with infrequent visitors.
I must admit that I have failed on occasion to follow my own advice. It is a difficult thing to do. But we must! The salvation of souls is at stake.
For the past few years around Christmas and Easter, I have chosen to deal with this vital issue on my blog, posting what I felt was a truthful and loving exhortation to those who have chosen not to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. (If you have not yet read those posts and wish to do so, you can view a the most recent ones here and here.)
A few individuals and parishes have chosen to share those posts and the reflection they contain. For the most part, there have been few takers. In the eyes of some, including priests and laity whom I deeply respect, my articles comes across as a scolding. These individuals are not comfortable sharing them. I am still prayerfully evaluating their concerns and trying to discern the appropriateness of my writing style..
As part of that process, I ran across the following short video which Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in San Diego, California posted on YouTube.. It is well done and similar in substance and tone, I believe, to my posts.
What do you think? Is the type of "scolding" embodied in my writings and this video useful or counterproductive in the battle to save souls?