Eucharistic Reflection – There Would Have Been No Need of Christ Coming to Earth If…
“If we were naturally good and naturally progressive, there would have been no need of Christ coming to earth to make men good. Those who are well have no need of a physician. If all were right with the world, God would have stayed In His Heaven. His Presence in the crib in Bethlehem is a witness not to our progress, but to our misery. Just as Christmas is a season for exchanging gifts with friends, so Our Lord came to this poor earth of ours to exchange gifts. He said to us, as only a good God could say: "You give Me your humanity and I will give you My divinity; you give Me your time and I will give you My eternity; you give Me your weary body and I will give you redemption; you give Me your broken heart and I will give you love; you give Me your nothingness and I will give you My All.”
(Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, December 20, 1964 )