Eucharistic Reflection - Be Transformed In The Fire of His Love
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Jesus kissed and
embraced His Cross for love of us, because by His Holy Cross He would become
one with us in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the gift of Our Lord's Passion.
With Mary we unite ourselves with Jesus and offer to Him all our sufferings in
mind and body, in heart and soul…
We are never
given more than we can carry or bear, and as Simon helped Jesus carry His
cross, so Jesus Himself helps us carry ours…
All trials
purify us and lead us into a deeper union with Jesus...
We offer Jesus
all our sufferings for the salvation of souls, even the sufferings we bring
upon ourselves.
This is the
triumph of the Cross: all suffering has lasting and redeeming value when
offered to Jesus, Who glorified all human suffering by His Holy Cross! Three
times He fell on His way to Calvary to teach
us never to get discouraged for, here in the Blessed Sacrament, He makes a
divine success out of all our failures when we humbly surrender them to the
redeeming love of His Sacred Heart…
Like fire that
transforms everything to itself, here in the Blessed Sacrament Jesus transforms
everything to good IN THE FIRE OF HIS DIVINE LOVE, drawing good out of evil, drawing
a greater good out of a greater evil, consuming even our very faults and
failures— like straw thrown into a burning furnace— and using them to make us
more humble and to bring us even closer to His Divine Heart…
It is never too
late, and Jesus never gives up on anyone…
Our very
weaknesses and failures endear us even more to the merciful love of His Eucharistic
No one loves us
as Jesus loves us: with merciful love He loves us, not in spite of our sins,
but because of our sins…
‘He was counted
among the wicked’ (Is 53:12), and looked upon as a criminal and a failure, to
convince us that He knows better than anyone how deep is our pain when we fall
into sin and feel like such a failure.
God's divine
preference for humility over pride is so great that each sin confessed leads us
closer to Him, Who raises us up even higher, after we have repented, than
before we fell…
Each fall is
only a stepping stone that leads us closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What
matters most is our effort: not how many times we fall but, rather, how many
times we get up after we fall and try again…
The infinite
patience of God is aimed at our sanctification…
We offer to
Jesus all our faults and failures that His Divine Love in the Blessed Sacrament
may triumph in every heart. He is the Wounded Healer Who calls out to each of
(Rosary Meditations from Mother Teresa of
Calcutta- Loving Jesus With The Heart of Mary)