Pondering Tidbits of Truth - October 30, 2014

Pondering Tidbits of Truth is my simple and inadequate way of providing nuggets of spiritual wisdom for you to chew on from time to time.

Saint John Paul II

"As Catholic lay people you have an important moral and cultural contribution of service to make to the life of your country. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much (Lk 12:48). These words of Christ apply not only to the sharing of material wealth or personal talents, but also to the sharing of one's faith."

(Remarks to Laity, San Francisco California, September 1987)

Chiara Lubich

“If one were to set fires at different locations throughout a city, even if they were mod­est fires they would quickly consume the whale metropolis. Likewise, if in a. city, at the most disparate points, one were to ignite the hearts of the inhabitants with the fire that Jesus brought to the world, then the good-will of those people would quickly over-run the city, lighting it up with love for God.

The fire Jesus has brought to the world is Himself. It is the fire of Love. This is the love which not only unites souls to God but unites souls to one another... In each city these souls shall emerge from families: father and mother, son and father, mother and mother-in-law. This phenomenon can take place in parish life, in organizations, in schools, in offices, anywhere... Each small flame for God necessarily kindles other flames. Divine Providence takes care to distri­bute these souls on fire where they can best serve the process. Through their action, many places in the world will be restored to the warmth of the love of God and renewed hope.”

(From Meditations)

Anne Costa

“…we…need to be reminded to stop lamenting over what is wrong, and proclaim what is good and hopeful in our world today. Our strength still comes from joy, not from complaining and focusing on what is wrong…We are so aware of what is wrong with our culture and society that we fail to see what is right. When we perpetually point out the worst, we lose our hope and our spiritual strength to make things better.”

(From Breaking Into Joy – Meditations for Living in Love of Christ)