Good Friday Reflection

This is not just another Friday. This is Good Friday. Will that fact make any difference in the way we live this day? 

For far too many of us, today will likely pass much like any other Friday - a mad rush to get to the weekend with little thought of He Who made us and whose sacrificial and brutal death redeemed us. Where is our gratitude?


(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

This the day so long foretold

This the day of justice lacking

This the day of man’s ingratitude

This the day of cowardice and fear

This the day of torture and sorrow

This the day of darkness and death

This the day of horror and pain

This the day of weeping women

This the day of uncaring masses

This the day sin prevailed

This the day of little light

This the day that mirrored night

This the day so profound and tragic

This the day of death and new life

This the day with kiss betrayed

This the day Your apostles fled

This the day Peter knew You not

This the day the cock crowed thrice

This the day of whips and chains

This the day of piercing thorns

This the day of spittle, stones and splintered wood

This the day Your cross bearing

This the day of multiple falls

This the day of Simon’s helping hand

This the day of Veronica’s veil

This the day of human slaughter

This the day Your mother sobbed

This the day Your limbs dislocated

This the day hammers struck the nails

This the day of severed nerves

This the day hands and feet fastened to a tree

This the day my sins held You there

This the day You gasped for air

This the day You hung in writhing pain

This the day of unquenchable thirst

This the day Your Sacred Heart pierced

This the day blood and water flowed from Your side

This the day even You felt forsaken

This the day Your blood watered the soil

This the day one thief entered paradise

This the day another rejected Your offer

This the day your killers forgiven

This the day You reopened the gates

This the day You died for me

This the day our sins forgiven

This the day of transforming grace

This the day we must always remember