Rosary Reflection - St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Since the Catholic Church dedicates the month of October each year to the Most Holy Rosary, I thought I would share some weekly reflections this month on this great gift.
What follows is the first installment.

“My son, if we do what we have always done, what our fathers did before us, we cannot go wrong. Satan wants to destroy this prayer, but in this he will never succeed. The Rosary is the prayer of those who triumph over everything and everyone. It was Our Lady who taught us this prayer, just as it was Jesus who taught us the Our Father.” 

(St. Pio of Pietrelcina)

1 comment:

  1. Colleen:

    You blog is one of the first places I visit on Sundays. You have provided me with much fruit for contemplation.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog's new look. That was most kind and encouraging.

    This quote was new to me as well and is the reason I shared it.

    God bless!



Monday Musings - What If?

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MOST AMIABLE JESUS "I humbly implore Thee by Thy ignominious Scourging, The Crowning with Thorns, Thy Holy Cross, and by all Thy Goodness, not to permit me to pass out of this world without having received Thy most holy Sacraments." -Prayer of St. Vincent Ferrer


"Eternal Father, all things are possible for You. Although You created us without our assistance, You will not save us unless we help. Therefore, I pray You re-create their wills so that they wish for what they do not wish for: I ask this of Your infinite mercy. You have created us out of nothing. Now that we exist have mercy on us. Re-make the vessel which You created in Your own image and likeness. Bring them back to Your grace through the grace and blood of You Son, the beloved Jesus Christ."

The Fatima Chaplet of Adoration and Reparation