Fleeting Glimpses of the Silly, Sentimental and Sublime - A Review
Here’s the latest review from award winning author, Karen
Kelly Boyce.
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for only $.99. What are you waiting for? Get your copy HERE!
In this fascinating
collection of short stories and essays, author Michael Seagriff, leads the
reader into a multi-generational world view that includes humor, common sense,
and a sense of the eternal. He looks back in time to his beloved father and
introduces the reader to a man who put his family before himself and depended
on God for all things.
"You never acquired the power, property, and prestige that so many in this world admire, value, seek and equate with success and greatness. You saw those items as `fool's gold' and chose to live a more simple but difficult life - a life of quiet dignity, hard work, good example, perseverance, loving concern, and faith in the Almighty."
We, while sharing some of Seagriff's memories, are introduced to the family that made him the author he is today. And yet Seagriff doesn't limit himself to past generations. He shares with us his love of the Eucharist. His devotion to Christ in the form of Bread is evident in his words of devotion and his despair over the neglect of other believers.
"How can that be for a Church and its members who are called to make the Eucharist, the source, center and summit of their lives? How can Love Himself be in our midst and so few care to be in His Presence?"
For me the highlight of this collection of works is when the author likens the neglect of Jesus in his Eucharistic form to that of a prisoner and extorts us to follow Christ's instructions `to visit the prisoner.' I had never thought of the tabernacle in quite this way - as God held prisoner in the form of bread for me. I will now never forget this insight into the Love of Jesus. Each of this author's tales touched me deeply, each building on the previous and deepening my understanding of how the past, the present, and the future are connected. Not all the short essays are so serious, interspersed between profound tales are tales of humor that made me laugh out loud. Yet, each story reminded me that those who love us and those whom we love are connected by the ever present Love of God, especially as he visits us in His Eucharistic form. While reaching into the past, Seagriff keeps his eye on the future - his own children - and completes the circle of this faith-filled love with words such as:
"Please do me one more favor. Every now and then, ponder the following truths and live your lives accordingly: "God made me. God loves me. God wishes to spend eternity with me!"
I found this collection easy to read and easy to understand, but profound in its message. I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy short stories and love stories of faith and courage.
"You never acquired the power, property, and prestige that so many in this world admire, value, seek and equate with success and greatness. You saw those items as `fool's gold' and chose to live a more simple but difficult life - a life of quiet dignity, hard work, good example, perseverance, loving concern, and faith in the Almighty."
We, while sharing some of Seagriff's memories, are introduced to the family that made him the author he is today. And yet Seagriff doesn't limit himself to past generations. He shares with us his love of the Eucharist. His devotion to Christ in the form of Bread is evident in his words of devotion and his despair over the neglect of other believers.
"How can that be for a Church and its members who are called to make the Eucharist, the source, center and summit of their lives? How can Love Himself be in our midst and so few care to be in His Presence?"
For me the highlight of this collection of works is when the author likens the neglect of Jesus in his Eucharistic form to that of a prisoner and extorts us to follow Christ's instructions `to visit the prisoner.' I had never thought of the tabernacle in quite this way - as God held prisoner in the form of bread for me. I will now never forget this insight into the Love of Jesus. Each of this author's tales touched me deeply, each building on the previous and deepening my understanding of how the past, the present, and the future are connected. Not all the short essays are so serious, interspersed between profound tales are tales of humor that made me laugh out loud. Yet, each story reminded me that those who love us and those whom we love are connected by the ever present Love of God, especially as he visits us in His Eucharistic form. While reaching into the past, Seagriff keeps his eye on the future - his own children - and completes the circle of this faith-filled love with words such as:
"Please do me one more favor. Every now and then, ponder the following truths and live your lives accordingly: "God made me. God loves me. God wishes to spend eternity with me!"
I found this collection easy to read and easy to understand, but profound in its message. I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy short stories and love stories of faith and courage.