Eucharistic Reflection - The Jesus We Ignore

"Jesus Christ dwells in the midst of us in the same manner He dwelt at Nazareth amidst His relatives. He was there without being known by them, and without working in their favor, the miracles that He wrought elsewhere. Our blindness and evil dispositions prevent Him from letting us experience the wonderful operations with which He favors those whom He finds well disposed…

(St. Agatha's, Canastota, NY)

Why is it , then, that we have so little feeling, either for the neglect shown to Jesus Christ in the most Blessed Sacrament where He is visited by so few, or for the outrages He there endures, from the very persons who profess to believe in Him? Certainly because the faith of Christians on this point is very weak.

It is necessary, then, to have a lively faith, in order to have this ardent love for Jesus Christ in the most Blessed Sacrament, and to be touched by a sense of the insults to which the expression of His love for us exposes Him; and to acquire, in time, a true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.

In order to do this, we must lead a pure and innocent life. We must animate our faith by our assiduity, and especially by our profound respect when we present ourselves before the most Blessed Sacrament, and by every sort of good works. We must pray much, and often ask of God for this lively faith. We must, in a word, act like persons who believe, and we shall soon feel ourselves animated with this lively faith." 

            (From Devotion to the Sacred Heart by Father John Croiset, S.J.)