Monday Musings - Stop Searching For Loopholes and Make The Salvation of Souls Priority Number One!
If God used Balaam’s donkey to get
that prophet’s attention, I guess he can use me to get yours. May these
periodic postings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month (God willing)
generate fruitful discussion and faithful change.
(Image from
More than fourteen months ago, I offered my few
cents on the unprecedented attack on our religious liberty. Sad to say,
not much has changed since I wrote those words. If you not already done so, I
suggest you read those comments here if the rest of this entry is to make sense.
The current Administration still refuses to
acknowledge our God-given right to freely practice our religion. In fact, it
has expressed frustration and annoyance with our on-going verbal refusal to
acquiesce to its intrinsically evil regulations and our stated unwillingness to
bow down to their “god” of reproductive rights. One of its agencies had
actually classified Catholics as terrorists. Litigation, though not yet
finalized, has resulted in mixed and unsatisfactory results.
Despite the on-going exposure to the
reality of abortion in the Philadelphia house of horrors, the intent of
New York’s self-proclaimed Catholic governor to remove virtually all
restrictions on abortions performed in that State, and the unwillingness
of Planned Parenthood representatives to publicly condemn the practices
exposed at the Gosnell clinic and elsewhere, our President continues to attack
those who stand up and defend the life of the unborn and vows his allegiance to
Planned Parenthood. He has even publicly asked “god’ to bless this
evil, earthly arm of the Great Deceiver.
Only God knows but I suspect that number will not
be huge. Why? Let me offer a few reasons.
First, there is no indication that fewer
Catholics oppose abortion, contraception, embryonic stem cell research, and
sterilization now, for example, than when this public battle began.
Secondly, there is little evidence that many
Catholic Dioceses and parishes in this country have done much of anything since
I last visited this issue to instruct their flock on what the Catholic Church
teaches about these intrinsic evils, why it does so, and what the eternal
consequences are to those who personally engage in or acquiesce to these evils.
Thirdly, there are few public corrections of, or
consequence to, Catholic politicians and public figures who publicly dissent
from the Church's teaching on these intrinsic evils. So why should the person
in the pew feel he or she needs to adjust their conduct in these areas or
get excited about federal regulations they don't really oppose?
Fourthly, the prevalent unwillingness of far too
many of the Church's Shepherds and priests to defend the integrity and
sacredness of the Holy Eucharist by withholding it from the mouths of notorious
and long-standing dissenting Catholics just reinforces the mistaken and
eternally deadly opinion of ill-formed Catholics that none of these issues
are that important. In centuries past, bishops, priests, lay men and women
died defending the Faith, attempting to save souls and preventing
sacrilegious treatment of the Most Precious Blessed Sacrament. Not so much now.
In the end, whether we win or lose the ongoing
legislative and litigation battles is of no consequence for those whose souls
have already been lost and will be lost because they have chosen to ignore
God’s law while most of His Church has remained hesitant or unwilling to remind
them that their personal decision to disobey God will result in their eternal
damnation. It’s apparently more important not to offend feelings than to lead
them away from the never ending inferno that awaits them and any of us who have
been complicit by our action, inaction or silence.
Will we ever remove ourselves from the lure of political
maneuvering where we are just one of many competing interests begging for a few
crumbs from corrupt civil leaders? How much longer will Satan succeed in
diverting our attention from the real issue – the salvation of souls?
We Catholics must stop looking for loopholes around
God’s Absolute Truth! There are none. Nothing can be more important than winning
the war for the salvation of souls. Nothing! Not even our earthly lives!