Jesus Speaks Not Only to St. Catherine of Siena But To Us

This is the feast day of the great Dominican Saint, Lay Dominican, Doctor of the Catholic Church, and mystic, St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380). Many have heard of Dialogue of Divine Providence, the spiritual jewel she left our Church, but few have taken the time to really study it. I am still working on it. It is a priceless treasure worth mining.
Here is an excerpt that should provide you with sufficient food for contemplation:
Jesus to St. Catherine of Siena:
"I require that you should love Me with the same love with which I love you. This indeed you cannot do, because I loved you without being loved. All the love which you have for Me you owe to Me, so that it is not of grace that you love Me, but because you ought to do so, while I love you of grace, and not because I owe you my love. Therefore to Me, in person you cannot repay the love which I require of you, and I have placed you in the midst of your fellows, that you may do to them that which you cannot do to Me, that is to say, that you may love your neighbor of free grace, without expecting any return from him, and what you do to him, I count as done to Me."