Eucharistic Reflection - An Object Of Man's Indifference And Neglect

“…the sacramental Savior…abides on every altar as the Author and Finisher of our sanctification. We behold Him there no longer bruised and battered for our sins; no longer is there any visible evidence of the untold mental anguish, the agonizing physical pain, or the bitter desolation which He underwent to redeem us. But in the Holy Eucharist, He is the object of man’s indifference and neglect. Although He conquered sin by His death and Resurrection, He is still within the range of the sinner’s power to insult and outrage Him…

 Great then and urgent is the need of reparation on our part for the pain of which the Eucharistic King is the daily silent Victim. Calm and restful though our gratitude may be in our moments of adoration, we must never forget the studied neglect, the worldliness of His wayward children, but rather strive persistently with all our powers to comfort Him in His sacramental lowliness, while the storm of sin set in motion by the thoughtlessness, if not the malice, of so many, beats Him as ruthlessly and heartlessly as the steel scourge fell upon His virginal flesh and numbered all His bones.”

(From Transforming Your Life Through The Eucharist by Father John A. Kane)