Eucharistic Reflection-He Loves Us Even When We Fail To Love Him

Can this adorable Savior, Who has done so much to gain the hearts of men, refuse anything to those who themselves ask of Him a place in His Heart?

If Jesus Christ allows Himself to be given even to those who do not love Him, and would have Himself carried to dying persons who never condescended to visit Him in their lifetime, and who have been insensible both to the manifest marks of love which He gave them and to the cruel outrages He received in the adorable Eucharist, to persons who have perhaps themselves ill-treated Him, what will He not do for faithful servants who, sensibly touched at seeing their dear Lord so little loved, so rarely visited, so cruelly outraged, make Him atonement, from time to time, for all the insults He receive, and neglect nothing to repair so many offenses, by their frequent visits, their adorations, their homages, and chiefly their ardent love?

Is it not, then, plain that there is nothing more reasonable, more useful, than the practice of this devotion [to the Sacred Heart]? Can it be necessary to use any words in order to persuade Christians to practice it?

(From Devotion to The Sacred Heart by Father John Croiset, S.J.)