In Thanksgiving to Our Loving, Merciful and Mysterious Lord

First of all I need to publicly praise and thank God for His unending and undeserved mercies, graces and blessings!
For those of you who have been folowing recent entries here, my twin sister has been fighting cancer since May. When the doctor’s examined her scan and x-ray last week following the end of initial chemotherapy and radiation treaments, they found none of the 3 tumors that had previously resided in her lungs! – Oh, the power of prayer and the great mercy of our God!

Since the small cell cancer Jane had in her lungs tends to travel to the brain, the doctors have initiated another round of radiation in an attempt to thwart its arrival there. She has begun a round of radiation of her brain. This will require 10 sessions. She began this treatment on Tuesday. She is expected to be very fatigued during this process and will likely have some permanent short term memory loss.

We continue to place Jane’s physical and spiritual well-being in our good Lord’s hands and welcome your on-going intercession.

While we are understandably appreciative of Jane’s progress, we are mindful of the many others whose treatment has not been so positive. Would you please lift all those individuals in prayer as well?

With eternal gratitude to our God and to all you wonderful prayer warriors!

May God bless each of you!