Father Mark: Your Advocate, Your Comforter, Your Refuge

If you love your priests, you will forward Father Mark’s most recent post to them and pray for them daily. You will find his post in its entirety here. Let me share this excerpt:  


There is no need for My priests to go through life
isolated, lonely, and friendless.
I want to be the Faithful Companion of their days and of their nights.
I want to be their solace and their rest.
I want to be their Friend, ever ready to listen to them,
to welcome them, to heal them, and renew their hope.
Oh, if only they would seek Me out
in those tabernacles where I wait for them,
in those tabernacles where no one joins Me
in My ceaseless prayer to the Father.

Never miss an opportunity to greet Me,
to adore Me, to remain with Me, even if only for a moment,
in the Sacrament of My Love.
In eternity you will see
the inestimable value of every moment
spent in My Eucharistic presence.

The Eucharist is, has been, and always will be the Answer. Why do we and too many of our priests run away from, instead of embracing and living this Truth?