A Personal Request This Corpus Christi

I am with my twin sister Jane as she begins her struggle with a recently diagnosed and rapidly spreading form of cancer. She will be having an MRI later today and will be meeting with her oncologist on Monday to find out the exact nature of the beast that resides within her and what treatment she might receive. This is understandably a difficult time.

May I ask each of you who may be reading this post to keep her spiritual and physical well-being in your prayers and to pass this request on to your family, friends, parishes and prayer groups? If you will be blessed to participate in a public procession with Our Eucharistic Lord tomorrow, would you mention Jane by name as He passes you by?

In lieu then of posting something new to commemorate tomorrow’s Feast of the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), I will simply refer to two previous posts (here and here) in hopes one or both might in some small way enhance your personal celebration of this Feast day and your love for the Eucharist, Mass and Adoration.

That all of us will always and under all circumstances place our trust in Him who made us in His image and Who longs to share eternity with us.  May none of else ever squander such a great gift.