Put God First - Love and Console Our Lord!

The Eucharist must be the source and center of our lives. If we and our priests prefer Him over all others and all things, He will transform us and our world - one heart at a time. We can never share this Truth enough!

Please spend time mining this spiritual treasure from Father Mark at Vultus Christi and then share it with all whom you love, especially your priests!

Put Nothing Before My Love for You

You have only to prefer My company
to every other companionship,
the love of My Heart to the love of every other heart,
and the sound of My voice in the silence of your soul
to every other voice.
I have called you to be for Me another John
and this vocation of yours remains My plan for you.
You have only to abide close to Me,
to seek Me before all else,
and to put nothing whatsoever
before My love for you
and the love I have placed in your heart
to love Me in return.
Love Me in this way
not only for yourself,
but for all your brother priests
whose hearts have grown indifferent and cold.
Love Me for them.
Take their place before My Eucharistic Face.
Persevere in loving Me and in adoring Me
for those poor priests of Mine
who no longer love Me
and who never adore Me.
They are many
and the sorrow of My Heart over such priests
is a sorrow that no human language can describe,
for it is a divine sorrow;
it is the grieving of a Divine Heart.
It is the pain of an infinite Love rejected again and again
by finite creatures who have become blind
in a terrible darkness of the spirit.

Love Me, then, and console My Heart
by adoring Me for them.
When I see you before Me,
I will see them,
and in seeing them,
I will be moved to show them pity,
and many of those who are far from Me
will return to My tabernacles;
and many of those who have spurned My Divine Friendship
will, in the end, surrender to the embrace of My mercy.
Do your part,
and I will fulfil all that I have promised.

There is no need to force your prayer
as if it were something of your own doing.
It is enough to remain with Me,
content to be in My presence
as I am content to be in yours.

Adore Me and trust Me to restore your energy,
your health, and your joy in My service.
Those who adore Me know that My presence
renews the soul and the body.
Experience this -- as you already did today --
and teach others to find in My presence
the rest for which they long,
the peace that the world cannot give,
the joy that renews the heart,
and the strength to follow Me in My sufferings,
even along the way of the Cross.

To adore Me is to demonstrate
that all your hope is in Me.
To adore Me is to show Me
that you count not on yourself nor on others,
but on Me alone.

To adore Me is to give Me the freedom to act
within you and upon you
in such a way
as to unite you wholly to myself
as you have asked Me to do:
My Heart to your heart,
My Soul to your soul,
My Body to your body,
My Blood to your blood.

The work of adoration is little understood,
even by those who claim to be My adorers.
There is no need to fill up the time of adoration
with thoughts and words,
as if it all depended on your doing something.

It is sufficient to speak to Me
as the Holy Spirit gives you to speak,
to listen to Me with the ear of your heart,
and to abide in the light of My Face
for those who languish in the darkness of sin
and in the refusal of My love, My truth, and My life.

(From In Sinu Iesu, The Journal of a Priest)