St. Catherine of Siena

Jesus to St. Catherine: “What I ask of you is nothing other than love and affection for Me and for your neighbor. This can be done at any time, any place, and in any state of life.” “In the way of God, he who makes no progress loses ground.” “Choose the Truth...Will to know the truth!” “Proclaim the Truth and do not be silent through fear.” (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons ) Thanks to St. Catherine of Siena our excuses for failing to love our priests, or to proclaim the Truth or to faithfully live out our Catholic faith must come to an end! The fear that once reigned in our hearts must be replaced with an unyielding zeal for the salvation of souls – all souls – and for the sanctification of all our priests! “If you are what you should be,”she once exclaimed, “you will set the whole world ablaze.” How many fires have any of us set lately? No longer will any of us in good conscience be able to play the “I am only a lay person” card to a...