Stop What You Are Doing!
Run to your local theater and see OCTOBER BABY as soon as you
are able! Bring as many of your family and friends with you as possible!
This film completes the incomplete public discussion of
abortion and the dignity of all human life. The frank beauty and power of its
message will anger some but change countless lives. It will cause many to look
at this issue with different eyes - the eyes of a woman who survived a botched
abortion, the eyes of the nurse who saved her life, the eyes of an aborted
child whose life was so abruptly and needlessly ended, the eyes of adoptive parents, the
eyes of a birth mother, and the eyes of Christ.
In between the tears, you will the see the power of faith,
forgiveness, healing, and love. The awesome power of God's love for all Whom He
has created will be evident to everyone. Reason and Truth will reign
No one who views this film with an open mind and loving
heart can continue to be ambivalent about the value of all human life and the
obligation to protect such life from the moment of conception.
Don't you dare leave the theater until the credits have completely come
to an end!
Oh, what great use God has made of the talents of the men,
women and groups behind this movie!
Cinema is the battleground upon which the
Truth can be shared and through which hearts, minds and lives can be changed.
Bravo! Praise God!