Revisiting "Your Presence Makes A Difference"
My wife, I and four strangers spent
an hour outside the local Planned Parenthood (PP) center one fall morning in 2010,
witnessing to and praying for all those entering that building - staff and
client alike. That had been only the
fourth time over the past two years that we had participated in the Forty Days
for Life prayer vigil in front of this place of deception and death.
The majority of the cars entering
the facility’s driveway while we were there sped up immediately when they saw
the signs and leaflets we carried and the rosaries in our hands. Most avoided having any eye contact with us, perhaps
in a last ditch effort to prevent their consciences from awakening them to the
horror of what they were about to do. It was like we were lepers.
We continued to pray. We sang
softly and sometimes off key. We
listened to God’s Word. We encouraged
each other and prayed that these women, their escorts and the facility’s staff would
know that we were there out of love for them and as instruments of a loving and
merciful Lord. We trusted God would use
our presence to make a difference in someone’s life that day.
We also watched as cars pulled
out, driver and passengers again refusing for the most part to glance at us, anxious
to get away from this place – that is with the exception of an obviously
distraught young woman in the front passenger seat of a jeep. She used a
crumpled tissue to capture the slow trickle of tears flowing from her eyes,
receiving no apparent comfort or solace from her male companion.
She turned and looked right at me. I was drawn to her watery eyes and
immediately saw in them the anguish and pain I suspect I would have seen in the
eyes of my crucified and suffering Lord had I been at the foot of His cross. Silently and earnestly I starred deeply into
her eyes, hoping that God would allow her to see in us, even now, the image of
her forgiving, healing, loving and merciful Lord and His desire to give her new
We’ve been called morons, idiots,
women haters and less publishable things. We have been thanked by those passing
by for being there and cursed by others. We’ve watched in utter disbelief and
pain as Dads or boyfriends brought their young children with them as their mother
entered to abort a sibling they will never see or know. We have watched
correctional officers escort a handcuffed pregnant inmate from the County jail
for an abortion – our tax dollars at work.
We’ve been blessed to have a woman
with young children pass by our prayerful line, thank us for being there, and tell
us how the people in that building had twice tried to convince her to abort the
two children by her side. It’s amazing how many individuals simply walking past
this facility would either thank us for being there or stop and share words of
encouragement and support. Their supportive gesture is in stark contrast to
those shouting vile words at us from passing vehicles as they prominently thrust
their middle fingers into the air.
Things have changed since our
first visit to this place. For one thing, this facility formerly displayed a banner
that pictured a female toddler covering her face with two open hands next to
these insane words: “If you do not defend her freedom, she’ll never know she lost
it". Talk about “fuzzy” thinking – killing those whose freedom you claim to be defending!
The sidewalk counselors are more numerous
and increasingly more effective in their work of love. This PP
facility has recognized their success and now employs “escorts” in an attempt to
thwart the counselors’ effectiveness.
For the first time since Forty
Days for Life has had a prayerful presence at this abortion clinic, PP has resorted
to calling the police in an unconstitutional attempt to limit these same
counselors from talking to women as they arrive. How surprised they must have
been when we sought legal counsel and had our right to do so upheld.
But one thing has not changed – not
enough of God’s people are coming to pray and give witness to His love. Where
are you?
God is using us. We are having a
positive impact. Women are choosing life and this particular facility may be losing
money. Other clinics have actually
closed. Come. Pray. Your presence makes a difference.
Be the
eyes of Christ.
(This a revised and updated version of a previous post.)
(This a revised and updated version of a previous post.)