When You Next Come Into His Presence...

What is your response when you first come into the Presence of Your Lord?

Do you adore Him by genuflecting before the tabernacle where He has been eagerly awaiting your arrival? When you get to the pew do you kneel down and talk to Him or do you spend the time before Mass catching up with your neighbors?

What should your response be?

There are valuable lessons to learn from Elizabeth's reaction (and that of the child in her womb) to Mary's visitation.

 "Who am I," the pregnant octogenarian asked as John the Baptist leaped for joy, "that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" Mary was the first tabernacle. Clearly, Elizabeth and her son recognized in whose Presence they were.

When was the last time you leaped for joy (spiritually or physically) as you approached the tabernacle, or gazed upon Our Lord exposed in a Monstrance or when He was placed on your tongue?

When you approach the sanctuary to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your Lord and Savior does He see an appreciative and joyful face or a distracted and joyless one? If it is the latter, ask Him for a new heart so overflowing with love for Him that such love will be reflected on your face.

Has God ever heard you ask Him in the stillness of your soul and the quiet of your heart right before you receive Him: "Who am I that my Lord should come to me?" If not, return to your pew and quietly ponder that question and the miracle you experience every time you receive Communion at Mass.

How will you respond the next time you're in His Presence?