Why Don't We? - A Brief Reflection on Ex 33:7-11

The Jewish people knew when Moses entered the Tent and a column of cloud stood at the entrance of that Tent that God was there with him. The burning tabernacle candle, not a column of cloud, signifies our Lord’s Presence among us in our Churches today.

The Jews knew the Tent was a sacred, holy place and acted accordingly. Unable to enter it themselves, they stood at the entrances of their own tents and worshipped their Lord. How we must rediscover the sense of the sacred and holy within our Church buildings where our Lord is as much present as He was in the Tent with Moses and where He beckons us to enter.

God spoke to Moses face to face as one man would speak to another. How we must come to appreciate the fact that we too can sit face to face with our Lord in the tabernacle and converse with Him and, when He is exposed in the Monstrance, gaze upon His Humble Presence.

Just as He gave Moses the Ten Commandments to share with his people, so too He will instruct us in the ways He wishes us to proceed if we would but spend time with Him, adoring Him Who is really and substantially present in the Blessed Sacrament.  

How blessed we are to be able to come into His Presence.  Why don’t we?