God In The Streets of Syracuse, New York

For the first time in at least 32 years (and probably much longer than that) the Bishop of the Diocese of Syracuse, New York, assisted by a few of his brother priests,  carried our Eucharistic Lord in procession through the streets of that city on Corpus Christi Sunday. What an awesome and blessed experience for all those privileged to be present!

Several hundred faithful Catholics prayerfully and reverently accompanied their Lord and Bishop Robert J. Cunningham during the nearly mile and a half procession from the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception to the Franciscan Church of the Assumption.

Thank you Bishop Cunningham and all those who worked so hard to bring this gift to fruition!

No doubt, our Lord was immensely pleased by this public display of belief in His Real Presence. Only He knows how many hearts of onlookers were touched as their eyes glanced at the King of Kings, majestically encased and held aloft in His Monstrance.

May this public profession of our Faith and of our belief in the Eucharistic Lord forever remain a permanent fixture in this Diocese.

Hopefully, these few pictures will give you a sense of this memorable day.